fasilitasunggulan 1

Malam yang Berat Diujung Penat

ALUNAN musik rockn’ roll mengalun meriah diiringi hentak kaki dan goyangan kepala para Beatlesmania di bawah temaram malam berbintang di kawasan Bandung Technoplex pada Jum’at (6/6).

ICoICT 2014   Openingxd

23 Countries Attended The International Conference On ICT 2014

Bandung, Tel-U – ICT development in Indonesia continues to grow. This is a supporting factor of economic growth in Indonesia which is growing at 4-5 percent annually. As presented by the Rector of Telkom University, Prof.. Ir. Mochamad Ashari, M.Eng., Ph.D., at the opening of the International Conference on ICT (ICoICT) 2014 in the Grand Ballroom of the Royal Panghegar Bandung, Wednesday (28/05) yesterday.

300514 Visitasi TeSC

Tel-U Got Visited By TeSCA

BANDUNG, TEL-U – The Telkom Smart Campus Award (TeSCA) Team visited Telkom University campus, Friday (30/5). The visit of TeSCA Team was greeted by Vice of Rector I Academic Affairs and Information Systems Dr Heroe Wijanto and Director of SISFO Yanuar Firdaus Ari Wibowo, Operational Manager of Information System Bani Setiaji, Communication and Customer Service Manager Dedy Rahman Wijaya, ST., MT, and the rest of Sisfo staffs.