Bachelor of Business Administration study program- Telkom University are in the management of the 'School of Business Administration & Finance (SABK)'. SABK was born in process of transformation 'Academy of Business Management Telkom (STMB Telkom) and became Telkom Institute of Management (IM Telkom) on March 28th, 2008, in 2012 IM Telkom joined the Telkom University under Faculty of Communication and Business. The transformation has done by IM Telkom in order towards World Class University (WCU),and the phase became a college of choice in Indonesia in 2017 and in Asia in 2021.
- Organizing and developing international standard education in the field of business in a transparent and accountable.
- Developing and disseminating knowledge in the field of information technology-based business that refers to the values of professionalism, recognition of achievement, integrity, mutual respect, entrepreneurship.
- Carrying out research activities, to strengthen and enrich the fields of science,
- Carrying out community service activities in the form of consultancy, training and guidance to solve business problems
- Produce a Bachelor of Business Administration which:
- Fear of God Almighty, have high personal integrity, capable of trying independently and oriented to professionalism, recognition of achievement, integrity, mutual respect, and entrepreneurship
- Quality, independent, and have a high individual competitiveness
- Capable of creating new ideas and inspiring in the face of business competition
- Responsible and able to contribute to improving standards of living
2. Produce scientific works of quality in the field of Business Administration for the improvement of quality of life
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Visual Communication Design (DKV) is the science that bridges the communication of a meaning through visual media. Among other applied disciplines through practical and theoretical learning, which can bring an understanding of the design directly from the experience of students. This department not only prepares students to obtain a degree in the field of design, but also to promote innovative thinking to encourage creative initiation of the application of design in everyday life. DKV IM TELKOM up to now is the only undergraduate program of the different strata of the DKV in general. DKV IM TELKOM mix two kinds of knowledge in one department, in order to produce graduates who have the competence, capability, and superior skill. In addition to design science, DKV IM TELKOM also studied management science. The collaboration of the two disciplines makes graduates DKV IM TELKOM has superior capabilities compared with DKV students in general.
Become courses that have academic excellence, able to provide inspiration for the Prodi Being featured in the areas of Visual Communication Design management based multimedia design and technology in the region in 2017.
- Tri dharma college organizes innovative and qualified in the field of Visual Communication Design management based design and multimedia technologies that are beneficial to the nation
- Forming students who have high integrity, professional attitude and entrepreneurial spirit
- Produce graduates in the field of Visual Communication Design management based multimedia design and technology that has integrity, professional attitude and entrepreneurial spirit.
- Contributing to the advancement of science and industries related to the field of visual communication design.
- Provide the best service to stakeholders.
1. technopreneurship
(Focus on the creation of visual products and the creation of technology-based businesses). The quality of graduates: visual communication design competence to develop innovative products and business in related industries, as well as having entrepreneurial skills is supported by the skills in the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT).
2. Multimedia Marketing
(Focus on planning and visual product marketing research). The quality of graduates: have competence in the field of Marketing Multimedia, through the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), as well as having entrepreneurial skills to do business independently.
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Bachelor of Science in Telecommunication Engineering Study Program accredited with an 'A' rating based on the decision of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education Ministry of National Education Republic of Indonesia Number. 007 / BAN-PT / Ak-XII / S1 / V / 2009 May 6th, 2009.
Currently the department of telecommunication engineering has accredited A. Accreditation is valid for 4 years from 2014 until 2018.
Curriculum of Telecommunication Engineering Study Program designed with a total load of 145 credits for the course duration 4 years / 8 semesters. For students who can keep the IP semester of not less than 3.00 at the end of each semester has been provided for study plan through Curriculum Scheme Acceleration 3.5 years / 7 semesters.
In addition, the Telecommunication Engineering Program also held Diploma Class to Bachelor Degree which is an extent program for students who graduates from Bachelor of Applied Sceince (Diploma) that are appropriate and fulfill the requirements which are determined based on the selection test . Curriculum of Extention Class ( Diploma to Bachelor) designed for 2 years / 4 semesters study with study load of 53 credits for those who graduates from Diploma Telkom ( D3 IT Telkom ) or 59 credits from non-Diploma IT Telkom ( another campuss).
Become an outstanding Bachelor of Science in Telecommunication Engineering Study Program in Southeast Asia that can produce skilled Telecommunication Engineering in the field of information and communications, particularly wireless communication, and can follow the development of telecommunication technology.
- Organizing excellent educational process for producing graduates who was master in information technology and telecommunications according to telecommunications engineering competence.
- Organizing international quality research in the field of information and telecommunications by involving students actively.
- Carrying out community service to disseminate the principles of science and the results of technology research to the general public, especially by working in synergy with academic institutions and other non-academic
The targets implementation of Telecommunication Engineering Study Program is directed at the graduates to have the following qualifications :
- Giving an understanding to students of the basic knowledge, skills, expertise, and insight into the following development in the field of telecommunications engineering, so that graduates are able to answer the problems in the field of telecommunications engineering expertise at the community, national and international in scope.
- Giving insight spacious enough for the development of contemporary field of telecommunications engineering expertise and other aspects to further encourage career for graduates students.
- Giving good communication skills, managerial skills, (personality), personal development independently or attitude of entrepreneurship, professional ethics and mastery of English for students so they can prepare themselves for the complex working environment and lifelong learning
- Provide supportive academic atmosphere so that students can achieve its objectives in the form of an innovative program that is sharp, challenging, open and conducive
Bachelor Telecommunication Engineering Study Program is intended to produce graduates who have the skills to:
- The graduates have ability to applying basic knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering, skills, and engineering tools in analyzing and solving the problems faced by telecommunication techniques
- The graduates have ability for the identification, formulation, and solving problems by embracing the rules of professional
- The graduates have ability to design, experiment, analysis and interpretation of data, and draw conclusions based on the scientific method
- The graduates have ability to design, experiment, analysis and interpretation of data, and draw conclusions based on the scientific method
- The graduates have ability to communicate and interact in a positive way, both individually and in a team of multidisciplinary
- The graduates have an understanding of the attitude and skills enterpreneurships both individually and in a multidisciplinary team.
- The graduates have insight into the general knowledge needed to understand the effects of engineering solutions in a social context or the global context
- The graduates have the awareness to constantly life-long learning, and is open to the development of the existing.
- The graduates have insight into contemporary technological developments in the field of telecommunications engineering expertise
- The graduates have the ability to use English in official meetings
- The graduates have at least an international certificate
Bachelor Study Program Electrical Engineering Higher Education opened according to Decree number 108 / DT / 2007 January 16th, 2007.
Curriculum Electrical Engineering Study Program was designed with total load of 144 credits for the courses duration 4 years / 8 semesters. For students who can keep their GPA semester of not less than 3 point at the end of each semester has been provided through the study plan Curriculum Scheme Acceleration 3.5 years / 7 semesters.
Being Study Program Bachelor at Electrical Engineering seed in the Southeast Asian region in 2020 which produces skilled Bachelor of Electrical Engineering Electronics and Control Systems.
1. Featured education in Southeast Asia to produce graduates who master the science and technology of Electronics and Control, and supported by information and communication technology knowledge.
2. Organizing international quality research in the field of Electronics and Control Systems by actively involving students
3. Carrying out community service to disseminate the principles of science and technology research results to the general public
1. Produce competency and competitiveness Prodi to serve the industry, society and the nation.
2. Produce graduates who are competent, professional, and able to develop themselves also entrepreneurship in the field of Electrical Engineering
3. Produce creative and innovative work in the field of Electronics and Control Systems according to the demands and needs of society at national and international levels
1. Having the ability to apply basic knowledge of mathematics and science into engineering problems (engineering)
2. Having the ability to do the design, implementation, and verification of electronic systems and controls as needed / specification.
3. Having the ability to identify, analyze, and solve problems in the field of electronics engineering and control by embracing scientific principles
4. Have knowledge and skills in the use of the hardware and software necessary in the field of Electronics Engineering and Control
5. Having the ability to design and conduct experiments, perform the analysis and interpretation of data and use the results to improve processes
6. Having the ability to interact, cooperate and work effectively in a multidisciplinary team
7. Having the ability to conduct scientific and social communication effectively, both orally and in writing, in a scientific forum, as well as in his profession
8. Ethics and professional and social responsibility as a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering
9. Having insight to the general knowledge needed to understand the effects of engineering solutions in a social context or the global context
10. Having the ability to read scientific papers, speaking and writing technical reports and scientific papers report in English
Entrepreneurship has the attitude and ability, both individually and in a team of multidisciplinary
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering Study Program is one of Higher Education which opened according to Decree Number 108 / DT / 2007 January 16th, 2007.
The Curriculum of Electrical Engineering Study Program was designed with total load of 144 credits for the courses duration 4 years / 8 semesters. For students who can keep their GPA per semester not less than 3 point at the end of each semester has been provided the study plan through Curriculum Scheme Acceleration 3.5 years / 7 semesters.
Become an outstanding study program in Electrical Engineering in Southeast Asian region in 2020 which produces skilled Bachelor of Electrical Engineering and Control Systems.
Enforcing an outstanding education in Southeast Asia to produce graduates who are master in science and technology of Electronics and Control, also supported by information and communication technology knowledge
Enforcing international quality research in the field of Electronics and Control Systems by involving students actively
- Enforcing community service to disseminate the principles of science and the results of technology research to the wide community.
Produce competency and competitiveness Prodi to serve the industry, society and the nation.
Produce graduates who are competent, professional, and able to develop themselves also entrepreneurship in the field of Electrical Engineering
Produce creative and innovative work in the field of Electronics and Control Systems according to the demands and needs of society at national and international levels
Having the ability to apply basic knowledge of mathematics and science into engineering problems (engineering)
Having the ability to do the design, implementation, and verification of electronic systems and controls as needed / specification.
Having the ability to identify, analyze, and solve problems in the field of electronics engineering and control by embracing scientific principles
Having knowledge and skills in using needed hardware and software in the field of Electronics Engineering and Control
Having the ability to design and conduct experiments, perform the analysis and interpretation of data and use the results to improve the processes
Having the ability to interact, cooperate and work effectively in a multidisciplinary team
Having the ability to conduct scientific and social communication effectively, both orally and in writing, in a scientific forum, as well as in his profession
Having Ethics and professional and also social responsibility as a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering
Having insight to the general knowledge needed to understand the effects of engineering solutions in a social context or the global context
Having the ability to read scientific papers, speaking and writing technical reports and scientific papers report in English Entrepreneurship has the attitude and ability, both individually and in a team of multidisciplinary
Program Studi D3 Manajemen Informatika
(Akreditasi B)
Terakreditasi sesuai Keputusan BAN-PT No. 019/BAN-PT/Ak-X/Dpl-III/X/2010, dengan gelar lulusan Ahli Madya (A.Md).
“Menjadi Program Studi Manajemen Informatika unggulan di Asia Tenggara”
- Membentuk tenaga profesional yang kreatif, inovatif dan proaktif dalam menciptakan karya baru dibidang Manajemen Informatika dan diakui di dunia internasional.
- Melaksanakan penelitian dan pengembangan karya yang inovatif untuk kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi di bidang Manajemen Informatika.
- Melaksanakan pengabdian pada masyarakat.
- Melakukan kerjasama dengan stakeholder.
Program studi Manajemen Informatika menghasilkan lulusan yang ahli dalam bidang:
- Pembangunan perangkat lunak dan pemodelan kebutuhan data beserta informasi, yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan organisasi dan bisnis.
- Perawatan, perbaikan, maupun perubahan perangkat lunak yang sudah ada.
- Pembangunan web service untuk pertukaran data antar database management system dalam mendukung kebutuhan bisnis.
- Rekayasa berbagai macam media digital.
- Penerapan prinsip-prinsip desain antarmuka sistem berbasis web dan mobile.
- Pembangunan aplikasi berbasis web dan mobile.
Peminatan Database Development
- Memiliki kemampuan menganalisis, memodelkan dan mengimplementasikan kebutuhan data serta informasi sesuai kebutuhan organisasi dan bisnis,
- Memiliki kemampuan membangun aplikasi pengelolaan data untuk mendukung kebutuhan bisnis,
- Memiliki kemampuan membangun web service untuk pertukaran data antar DBMS dalam mendukung kebutuhan bisnis.
Peminatan Multimedia & Creative Contents
- Memilki pengetahuan mendalam tentang berbagai macam media digital,
- Memiliki keterampilan dalam menerapkan prinsip-prinsip desain antarmuka sistem berbasis web dan mobile,
- Memiliki keahlian dalam membangun aplikasi berbasis web dan mobile.
Peminatan Software Development
- Memiliki keahlian dalam membangun aplikasi perangkat lunak (software) sesuai kebutuhan pengguna,
- Memiliki keahlian dalam melakukan instalasi dan development perangkat lunak sesuai kebutuhan pengguna,
- Memiliki kemampuan dan keahlian dalam perawatan, perbaikan, maupun perubahan perangkat lunak yang sudah ada.