Introduction to New Student Campus Life (PKKMB) Tel-U 2021

BANDUNG, Telkom University – Telkom University held an Introduction to Campus Life for New Students (PKKMB) 2021. This activity was held fully online with synchronous and asynchronous methods and was attended by 7289 undergraduate and diploma students consisting of 4400 male students and 2889 female students.

PKKMB 2021 held from Monday, September 13 to Thursday, September 16 with a series of pre-PKKMB activities, Introduction to the Higher Education System, Introduction to Campus Life Ethics, Faculties, and Study Programs, Character Education, State Defense Education, Virtual Campus Tour, Creativity Contest and Giving Appreciation to Participants.

PKKMB 2021 carries the theme ‘Building a Young Generation Who Have Love for the Country and Alma mater and Competitive Spirit in Facing Indonesia Gold 2045 by Always Implementing Institutional Cultural Values ??of Harmony, Excellence, and Integrity with the tagline ‘Competitive and Character’.

Director of Student Affairs at Telkom University, Dessy Dwi Nurhandayani, S.T., M.M explained that the 2021 PKKMB will present speakers both from internal and external originating from various fields and agencies who can provide knowledge and experience, especially to all participants. The speakers included the Director of State Defense of the Indonesian Ministry of Defense Brigadier General Jubei Levianto, S.Sos., M.M.; Director of Prevention BNPT RI Brigadier General Pol. R. Ahmad Nurwakhid, S.E., M.M.; Chairman of the National Narcotics Agency 2013 – 2015 Komjen Pol. (Ret.) Anang Iskandar, SIK. SH. MH.; Influencer & Founder @greenmovement_id Shafa Tasya Kamila, and an internal resource person, namely Vice-Rector I for Academic Affairs Dr. Dadan Rahardian, S.T., M.M.; and Vice-Rector III for Admissions, Student Affairs, Careers, and Alumni Dr. Dida Diah Damajanti, S.T., M.Eng.Sc.

“In addition to the speakers mentioned, outstanding students, students who won international competitions, and students who took part in the student exchange program were also present,” Dessy added.

In the material delivery session from internal speakers, the 2021 PKKMB participants will be accompanied by both parents in the hope that not only new students will get to know Telkom University more closely, but parents will also get to know Telkom University more closely.

“There is a PKKMB graduation assessment system that requires all participants to complete a series of assignments and assessments. We hope that all participants can take part in this series of PKKMB activities well and full of enthusiasm.”

Rector of Telkom University Prof. Adiwijaya welcomes you and welcomes you to Telkom University. Through this 2021 PKKMB activity, new students will be introduced to the campus environment and campus life, of course, not only infrastructure, facilities, and infrastructure, but it is also expected that new students can adapt to the environment, greet their classmates, one faculty and even go further. University.

Prof. Adiwijaya also explained the values ??at Telkom University, namely Harmony, Excellence, and Integrity (HEI) as a culture that exists in the campus environment.

“With Telkom University’s high level of inclusiveness, this shows that we are very heterogeneous. However, we believe there are many similarities between us and so this is the value harmony. We all have to love and protect each other like a big family of Telkom University and even the big family of the Republic of Indonesia.”

Prof. Adiwijaya invites students to be the superior generation to create the future. New students must be able to create a better future, of course, by always giving the best at every opportunity during college.

“Insha Allah, by studying at Telkom University, experienced lecturers, alumni at home and abroad, most of whom are Doctors. Insha Allah, not only hard skills are obtained by students, not only competencies that are indeed mandated from the study program that will be obtained by students, furthermore, students are invited to improve soft skills so that character development, building creative thinking, communication, collaboration, and even this creativity attitude is very necessary for life after graduation. This is the value of Excellence from Telkom University.”

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