Tel-U Students Joint the MBKM Program for Laptop Development in Red and White

Program MBKM Pengembangan Laptop Merah Putih

BANDUNG, Telkom University – 5 students of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at Telkom University (FTE Tel-U) will undergo the Independent Campus Certified Internship (MBKM) program to develop red and white laptops.

At the launch, which took place at the Bandung Techno Park Building Monday (11/4), as many as ten students from various universities attended, 5 of whom were Tel-U students, and five others were students from Padjadjaran University, Satya Wacana Christian University. , Harapan Bersama Polytechnic, Singaperbangsa Karawang University and Sriwijaya University.

This red and white laptop is a program launched by the Ministry of Education and Culture Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemdikbud Ristek RI). Quoting from the website, which increases the use of Technology, Information, and Communication (ICT) products. ) in the country, then planning and designing products in the field of ICT, one of which is the Red and White Laptop, which will be produced domestically. This laptop is made using domestic human resources through collaboration between several universities, and the production of red and white laptops can be done as an effort to reduce dependence on imports in the ICT field.

According to one of the mentors in this internship program, Hendi Satrio from Intel Corporation, it is hoped that students who participate in this program can develop their creative ideas in creating innovations in the future.

“This laptop will later be used for education; therefore, we hope that fellow students can create innovative design ideas and be able to compete with laptops produced by outside products on the market,” he said.

In line with Hendi, the Dean of FTE, Dr. Bambang Setia Nugroho congratulates the students who have been selected to undergo this program; hopefully, they can provide new ideas and innovations for this nation.

“Congratulations on undergoing this MBKM program. Continue to do your best. Hopefully, what you produce from this program can be useful for the community and help develop the world of education in Indonesia.” Obviously.

In line with this program, the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Bandung Techno Park (BTP) and PT Logicom Integration Technology was signed directly by the Director of BTP, Dr. Koredianto Usman, and the Director of PT Logicom Dimas Hardi Mulya.

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