Author: Public Relations

DJ Arie

Tips to Avoid the Stage Fright, DJ Arie version

BANDUNG, TEL-U – For students, public speaking is a skill that must be possessed. But not all students are ready to do so. Sometimes, Speak in a public sphere becomes a scary thing. There is even a term ‘Demam Panggung-Stage Fright’ from too worried or afraid to speak in public.

ICT BAngsa

Develop ICT for National Interests

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Indonesia with enormous population, obviously need technology and adequate information. Every day, technology grows increasingly sophisticated with various features. Similarly, the common thread that is implicit in the national seminar organized by Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FTE), Saturday (11/04).

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Jelang 5G, Tel-U akan Siapkan Riset Konten Pendukung

JAKARTA, TEL-U – Teknologi mobile broadband terus berevolusi seiring dengan permintaan pasar yang terus meningkat. Untuk itu, Telkom University (Tel-U) sebagai salah satu perguruan tinggi yang berbasiskan pada ICT, segera menyiapkan para peneliti yang melakukan riset terpadu untuk menjawab evolusi ini.

google tel u

Telkom University Cooperate with Google

Cooperation between Telkom University and Google resulted the presence of a login system using a Google Apps with SSO that can help the whole Telkom University academic community to login to the services provided by Google Apps such as email, google drive, google calendar and google sites.

Prodi Akuntansi FIT

Computerized Accounting Study Program FIT Undergo the Accreditation

BANDUNG, TEL-U – The Assessor Team of National Accreditation Board of Higher Education (BAN-PT) perform the accreditation visitation to Computerized Accounting Studies Program Faculty of Applied Sciences Telkom University (FIT Tel-U), Friday (8/5). This team consists of Drs. Dul Muid, SE.Akt., MM and Suryani Sri Lestari, SE., MBus.


Capture: Students Ideology Exhibition through Photography

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Photography is not merely record a motion picture. The camera becomes one of the viewing tools to achieve the objectives of its user. Based on that reason, students of Intermedia Arts Tel-U held an exhibition titled “Capture” which held in Roemah Seni Sarasvati on May 9-16, 2015.
“Capture actually is an exhibition that optimize the function of the camera,” said Chairman Committee of Capture Exhibition Lutfi Fadhil Radityo. In this exhibition, a camera that serves as a tool, will be interpreted as a representation of a new ideology in the process of making a series of photographic works.

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Nurani Fitriyah, Mahasiswi Teknik Telekomunikasi, Juara 1 Mahasiswa Berprestasi Kopertis IV

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Mahasiswi Teknik Telekomunikasi Telkom University (Tel-U) angkatan 2012, Nurani Fitriyah, berhasil menjadi juara 1 Mahasiswa Berprestasi tingkat Kopertis IV 2015. Kompetisi yang diselenggarakan oleh Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Kopertis Wilayah IV. Kompetisi ini diselenggarakan setiap tahunnya guna mencari tiga mahasiswa perwakilan kopertis untuk mengikutri seleksi nasional.

Rektor Tantang

Rector Challenge Students to be a Champion

BANDUNG, TEL-U – A university will depend on three factors that is students, lecturer and staff. If these three things worked together to develop an institution, the university will be getting better and succeeding. Similarly, Telkom University (Tel-U), which requires the cooperation of the academic community.

It was conveyed by Telkom University Rector Prof. Dr. Mochamad Ashari, M. Eng., Ph.D., in Silahturami Akbar event which organized by BEM KEMA Tel-U in the 3rd floor Hall of the Faculty of Applied Sciences, on Tuesday (5/5). Besides rector also present as a speaker Director of Students Affairs Tel-U Hendratno, SE., Akt., MM., And President of the Students BEM KEMA Tel-U Aidil Afdan.

On this occasion Prof. Ashari challenged students to win the champion of the competition related to ICT. “The winner must be consistently maintained at least three or five times in a row,” he said. According to Prof. Ashari, if we able to prove it, the public can see that Telkom University identical with ICT-based campus.
On the other hand, Hendratno explained that each parts in Telkom University academic community must work together and have a common purpose. “Whatever we do must have added value to the institution, community, and country,” he said.

In line with this, Aidil requested that students also involved in the planning which designed by the institution. “Good communication will help Telkom University gain the target,” he said.
In addition, the signing of Tel-U academic community agreement also done in this event. The signed is done for synergizing all elements ranging from institutions, Ormawa, until students to work together in advancing Telkom University alma mater. (Purel / EAD)