Become a Leader in Crisis Conditions

ZOOM, Telkom University – Telkom University through the International Class Academic Office (ICAO) organized a Leaders Talk. Under current conditions, the Leaders Talk is conducted online through the Zoom application on Wednesday (2/9).

Entitled the Authentic Leadership in the Time of Crisis for Great Indonesia, this Leaders Talk featured speakers Janoe Arijanto (CEO of Dentsu One) and Asri Wijayanti (CEO & Founder of

In his presentation, Janoe explained that being a leader in the current conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic crisis requires how a leader can bring his company to stand.

“Being a leader in today’s conditions, keeping the company standing is not just about the business in it, but how employees, all employees within the company can survive in this pandemic.” He explained.

Under current conditions, Janoe added that no one can predict when this pandemic will end, whether it is a year or even two years.

“We do not know what the future will be. Therefore, a company must be able to prepare, whatever happens, therefore a company must be able to survive and maintain business stability until the pandemic ends and be prepared to enter the new normal.” He explained.

Changes that occur during the current pandemic require companies to adapt to market conditions. Janoe explained that changes in the market are very fast, and for a leader how to continue to be able to adapt quickly to the conditions that occur.

“Currently, there will be many new businesses emerging, and there will be many new jobs as well. Therefore, companies that are currently running must be able to adjust to these conditions, how to collaborate, because it does not just talk, but must be carried out immediately between industrial sectors, this is to jointly save the nation’s economy. ” He said.

In line with Janoe, Asri said that in the current conditions, being a leader must be able to think about how the business can continue to run to keep all employees alive, and how to save employees who have been dismissed from the company where they worked before.

“ has many local tailors hang their hopes on us, as Mr. Janoe explained earlier that collaboration is very important in current conditions. We have collaborated with Telkomsel to produce thousands of PPE, from which we can employ employees who previously had to be laid off. This way, the economic conditions of the employees can continue. ” He said.


Director of Postgraduate and Advance Learning Telkom University, Dr. Iis Kurnia Nurhayati, in her speech, said that the current pandemic changes the role of leadership for all industrial sectors. It is essential where leaders can think creatively and innovatively to keep the company going.


“Through this event, we hope that the participants present can learn the knowledge provided by the speakers on how to become a leader in a crisis like today so that in the future they will become leaders capable of bringing this nation to a better one.” He said.