Category: News

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Telkom University Draw Up The International Accreditation

BANDUNG, Telkom University – The growth of universities in the world are increasingly competitive, based on the official data at Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristek DIKTI), there is at least 3,000 more universities compete for the best ranking in Indonesia.

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Telkom University Kuatkan Rancangan Riset

BANDUNG, Telkom University – Dalam rangka mewujudkan cita-cita Toward World Class University. Telkom University selenggarakan “Telkom University Leaders Gathering”. Kali ini mengusung tema “Penguatan Academic Excellence Menuju World Class University”, kegiatan yang diselenggarakan di Sumber Alam Resort Garut, Selasa-Rabu (7-8/2/17) ini diharapkan menghasilkan rumusan berupa rancangan penelitian jangka pendek (RPJK) dan rancangan penelitian jangka panjang (RPJP).

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Galery BEI Telkom University Hasilkan Nilai Investasi 6 Milyar

BANDUNG, TELKOM UNIVERSITY – Sejak dibuka secara resmi pada Desember 2014 lalu, Galeri Investasi (GI) yang berada di Telkom University ini per Desember 2016 kemarin mampu menorehkan total transaksi sebesar Rp6 Milyar. Hal ini diungkapkan oleh Manajer Divisi Analisa dan Investasi Saham, Iqbal Firdaus yang merupakan mahasiswa sekaligus pengurus di GI, pada Jumat (27/1/17) di Kantor GI.

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Telkom University Strengthen The Research Design

BANDUNG, Telkom University – In order to realize the ideals Toward World Class University. Telkom University held “Telkom University Leaders Gathering”. Entitled “Strengthening Academic Excellence Towards a World Class University”, activities organized in Sumber Alam Resort Garut, Tuesday-Wednesday (7-8 / 2/17) was expected to produce the short-term studies design (RPJK) and the long-term study design (RPJP).

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BEI gallery Telkom University Generate 6 Billion Investation

BANDUNG, TELKOM UNIVERSITY – Since officially opened in December 2014, the Investments Gallery (GI) of Telkom University, succesfully generate a total transaction of Rp 6 billion per December 2016.This was disclosed by the Division Manager of Analysis and Shares Investment , Iqbal Firdaus, students and GI committee, on Friday, January 27, 2017 in GI office.

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Telkom University Dirikan Pusat Budaya Perancis

Bandung, Telkom University – Dalam upaya membangun jaringan global, Telkom University terus menjalin kerjasama internasional, kali ini melalui kemitraan Institut Perancis Indonesia (IFI) dan Fakultas Komunikasi dan Bisnis (FKB). Kerjasama tersebut lebih pada penguatan literasi budaya dan bahasa.

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Stand Telkom University Diserbu Ribuan Pengunjung

JAKARTA, TELKOM UNIVERSITY – Lebih dari 4.000 pengunjung menyerbu stand Telkom University pada perhelatan “26th Indonesia International Education & Training Expo 2017”, yang berlangsung di JCC Senayan Indonesia, Kamis-Minggu (2-5/2/17). Pengunjung yang mayoritas merupakan siswa SMA/SMK/MA kelas XII itu, mengajukan pertanyaan tentang seleksi mahasiswa baru dan beasiswa dari Telkom University.

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Thousand Visitors Enlivened Telkom University’s booth

JAKARTA, TELKOM UNIVERSITY – More than 4,000 visitors enlivened Telkom University's booth in the event of “26th Indonesia International Education & Training Expo 2017” at JCC Senayan Indonesia, Thursday-Sunday (2-5 / 2/17). The majority visitors were students from SMA / SMK / MA Class XII and searched the information about new student admission and Scholarships From Telkom University. The visitor's enthusiasm proofed by the runs out of thousands brochure within matter of hours.

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Priyantono Rudito : Human Development di Era Digitalisasi

BANDUNG, TELKOM UNIVERSITY – Inovasi disruptif secara signifikan merubah perekonomian global karena kemampuannya untuk menciptakan pasar baru, mengganggu bahkan merusak pasar yang sudah ada yang pada akhirnya menggantikan teknologi sebelumnya. Bermunculannya korporasi digital (start up) membentuk fenomena digital disruptif.