Sebagai bentuk rasa syukur atas diperolehnya Akreditasi “A”
As a part of gratitude for obtaining “A” accreditation and the various achievements both nationally and internationally around 2016, as well as the launching of 4th Anniversary in 2017, then we hereby invite all attend the event Thanksgiving and Soft Launching 4th Anniversary which will be held on:
BANDUNG, (30.1.2017) – Telkom University terus melaju dengan produktifitas akademik beserta infrastruktur akademiknya. Jumat (27/1/2017), Universitas yang genap berusia 4 tahun ini berhasil meraih sertifikasi Standar Internasional ISO 20000-1:2011. Sertifikasi tersebut belum pernah di raih oleh universitas manapun di Indonesia terkait manajemen layanan sistem informasi.
BANDUNG, (30/01/2017) – Telkom University proceeded with the academic infrastructure and their academic productivity. Friday (01/27/2017), the University which turns 4 this year achieved the certification of International Standard ISO 20000-1: 2011. The certification has never been achieved by any university in Indonesia related to the management of information systems.
BANDUNG, Telkom University – Perkembangan teknologi ICT saat ini sudah sangat pesat, oleh karena itu Telkom University melalui Research Center for Advanced Wireless Technologies (AdWiTech) akan kembangkan teknologi 5G dan 6G untuk perkembangkan dunia telekomunikasi baik nasional maupun internasional.
BANDUNG, Telkom University – Nowadays, the ICT technology grows rapidly, therefore Telkom University through the Research Center for Advanced Wireless Technologies (AdWiTech) will develop the 5G and 6G technology for telecommunication world developing, both nationally and internationally.
BANDUNG (24/1/17) – Upaya membangun perguruan tinggi berjaringan Internasional, Telkom University tahun-tahun terakhir ini gencar lakukan benchmark ke Universitas berkelas dunia. Saat ini tercatat setidaknya 30 negara di dunia menjadi mitra Telkom University. Dan secara rutin setiap semester menerima kunjungan pelajar Internasional dari Jerman, Tajikistan, Thailand, Malaysia, Belanda, dan beberapa nagara lainnya dalam program short lecture, student exchange dan mahasiswa penerima beasiswa reguler Sarjana.
Leaders Talk adalah sebuah wadah Think Tank dari Telkom University, dimana kami mengundang Leaders, CEO, pemangku kebijakan serta pelaku ekonomi untuk berdiskusi bersama demi mencari solusi atas permasalahan bangsa.
School of Communication and Business (FKB), considered the important of exchange program. In addition to students, FKB has launched a lecturer exchange program. So the insight and nuance of learning proccess at Telkom University will synergy with overseas situation. Nor the same case to other faculties in the Telkom University.
Leaders Talk is a Think Tank media of Telkom University, where we invite Leaders, CEOs, policy makers and economic actors to discuss together in order to find solutions to the nation's problem.