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Teliti Transkasi Persisten Pasar Modal, Brady Rikumahu Raih Gelar Doktor

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Dosen Manajemen Bisnis Telekomunikasi dan Informatika (MBTI) FEB Tel-U, Brady Rikumahu berhasil meraih gelar Doktor bidang Ilmu Manajemen kekhususan Keuangan di Universitas Indonesia, Selasa (19/7). Brady meraih gelar Doktor dengan disertasi berjudul “Transaksi Persisten: Identifikasi, Perbandingan Perilaku Broker Asing dan Domestik, Pengukuran Intensitas, serta Dampak Harga”.


FIK and PT JIEP Develop National Creative Industry Center

BANDUNG, TEL-U – School of Creative Industries Telkom University (FIK Tel-U) was trusted to develop the facilities of the National Creative Industry Center which will be located in the area of Pulo Gadung, East Jakarta. “Creative Industry Center will be a miniature representation of the 13 sub-sectors of the creative industries which growing in Indonesia,” said Dean FIK, Dr Ir Agus Achmad MT, Friday (29/7).

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Perlu Kesabaran untuk Menangani Keluhan

MALANG, TEL-U – Pejabat Pengelola Informasi dan Dokumentasi Universitas Brawijaya (PPID UB) Dr Tjahjanulin Domai, MS mengatakan dibutuhkan kesabaran dan waktu yang tidak sebentar untuk melayani sivitas akademika yang mengajukan keluhan atas layanan yang mereka terima di kampus. “Setiap hari kami belajar untuk memberikan yang terbaik bagi warga kampus, dan itu tidak pernah cukup,” ujarnya.

Meticulous Persistent Capital Market Transactions, Brady Rikumahu Achieved Doctoral Degree

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Lecturer of Management Business Technology and Informatics (MBTI) FEB TEL-U, Brady Rikumahu achieved a Doctorate degree of Management Sciences Specificity of Finance at the University of Indonesia, Tuesday (19/7). Brady achieved his doctorate with a dissertation titled “Transaction Persistent: Identification, Comparison of Behavior Broker Foreign and Domestic, Intensity Measurements, as well as the Impact of Price”.

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FKB Gelar Kongres IMABI 2016

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Fakultas Komunikasi dan Bisnis Telkom Universtiy (FKB Tel-U) menjadi tuan rumah kongres dan konfernas Ikatan Mahasiswa Administrasi Bisnis Indonesia (IMABI) 2016. Kongres ke-6 yang dihadiri oleh delegasi dari 20 perguruan tinggi di Indonesia dibuka oleh Wakil Rektor IV Tel-U, Dr M Yahya Arwiyah dan Dekan FKB Dr Jafar Sembiring di Aula Lantai 4 Gedung Kawalusu, Jumat (22/7).


FKB Organize IMABI Congress 2016

BANDUNG, TEL-U – School of Communications and Business Telkom University (FKB Tel-U) hosted in Congress and National Conference of Business Administration Students Association of Indonesia (IMABI) 2016. 6th Congress attended by delegates from 20 universities in Indonesia opened by Vice Rector IV Tel-U, Dr M Yahya Arwiyah and Dean FKB Dr Jafar Sembiring which held in Hall 4th Floor Kawalusu Building, Friday (22/7).

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Bersama ITB, UI, dan Unhas, Tel-U Kembangkan Konsorsium Smart Card

JAKARTA, TEL-U – Pemerintah melalui Dewan Riset Nasional terus mendorong terbentuknya konsorsium riset di tanah air. Selain untuk mendukung percepatan pembangunan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, pembentukan konsorsium dinilai sangat penting untuk memadukan berbagai riset yang selama ini dilakukan sendiri-sendiri baik oleh peguruan tinggi maupun lembaga riset lainnya.


Tel-U with ITB, UI, and Hasanuddin University Develop Smart Card Consortium

JAKARTA, Tel-U – The government through the National Research Council (DRN) continues to encourage the formation of research consortia in the country. In addition to supporting the accelerated development of science and technology, the establishment of the consortium was considered very important to integrate a variety of research had been done on their own either by universities or other research institutions.