Doktor 2016

Increasing Wireless Mesh Network Capacity Through Modification of Algorithm Resource Allocation

Researchers: Dr. Nachwan Mufti Adriansyah, ST, MT
Promotor: Prof. Dr. Ir. Harry Sudibyo, DEA
Prof. Dr. Ir. Riri Fitri Sari, M.Sc., M.Eng
Dr. Ir. Anak Agung Putri Ratna, M.Eng
Prof. Dr. Ir. Adit Kurniawan, M.Eng.
Dr. Nachwan Mufti Adriansyah, ST, MT, lecturer from Faculty of Electrical Engineering Telkom University (FTE Tel-U) reached a doctorate in electrical engineering. This was the first doctoral degree achieved by lecturer of Tel-U in 2016.

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Tel-U Organized UN Try Out simultaneously in 40 Cities

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Telkom University held a tryout National Examination (UN) simultaneously in 40 cities and districts throughout Indonesia couple days ago. No less than 13.362 high school students, SMK, and MA XII class came to enliven the event.

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School of Computing

V i s i o n

Being a world-class faculty of Informatics active role in the development of the field of computing science, based on information technology in 2018

M i s s i o n
  • Organize and develop educational computing field of international standard.
  • Develop and disseminate science and technology fields of computing internationally recognized.
  • Harnessing science and technology fields of computing for the welfare and progress of civilization.
Official Website
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School of Electrical Engineering

V i s i o n

Being a superior faculty of world-class active role in the development of science and technology as well as electro physics, based on information and communication technology.

M i s s i o n
  • Higher education and continuing education of international standards
  • Develop, disseminate, and utilize science and technology fields of telecommunications engineering, computer engineering, engineering physics, and electrical engineering, as well as collaborating with industry / institutions, in order to improve the welfare and progress of society.
  • Develop and foster networking with universities and industry-leading home and abroad in the framework of cooperation in education and research.
  • Develop resources to achieve excellence in teaching, research and community service.
Official Website
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Tel-U Gelar Try Out Serentak di 40 Kota

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Telkom University menggelar tryout Ujian Nasional (UN) serentak di 40 kota dan kabupaten di seluruh Indonesia beberapa waktu lalu. Tidak kurang dari 13.362 siswa SMA, SMK, dan MA kelas XII datang meramaikan acara ini.

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Hati-hati Jangan Terjebak Plagiarisme!

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Koordinator Kopertis Wilayah IV Prof Dr Ir Abdul Hakim Halim, M Sc mengingatkan para dosen Telkom University untuk tidak terjebak ke dalam plagiarisme meskipun dari karya tulis milik sendiri. Hal ini disampaikan Hakim dalam sharing season bertema tema Integritas Akademik di Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Telkom University (FEB Tel-U) Jum’at (14/1).


Caution, Plagiarism Trap!

BANDUNG, TEL-U – The coordinator of Kopertis Region IV Prof. Dr. Ir Abdul Hakim Halim, M Sc reminiscent Telkom University lecturers to avoid plagiarism despite of the own paper. It is delivered by Hakim on sharing session entitled Academic Integrity at Faculty of Economics and Business Telkom University (FEB Tel-U) on Friday (14/1).

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UII Berkunjung ke Tel-U, Pelajari Layanan Prima

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Sekitar tiga puluh orang dari Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) Yogyakarta yang dipimpin oleh Wakil Rektor 3 (Warek 3) UII Dr Abdul Jamil, SH, MH, melakukan studi banding ke Telkom University (Tel-U) pada Jum’at (8/1).