one night in tokyo

Tulus and Hivi Enliven One Night in Tokyo Event

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Tulus and Hivi present to enliven Olimpic Awarding Night held in Tel-U Pelampong Building, Wednesday (29/04). Entitled One Night in Tokyo, appreciation night is dedicated to the athletes who had fought in a series of Olympic events.

fasilitasunggulan 1

Perusahaan Harus Punya Tanggung Jawab Lingkungan, Bukan ‘Greenwashing’

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Dewasa kini, semangat revolusi hijau tampaknya menjadi trend pencitraan banyak perusahaan. Taktik jitu pun digencarkan dengan berbagai bentuk kegiatan promosi bertemakan ‘go green’. Jika ‘go green’ diciptakan hanya untuk pencitraan dan kesan positif saja, hati-hati. Bisa jadi perusahaan tersebut hanya ‘greenwashing’, bukan tanggung jawab pada lingkungan yang sebenar-benarnya.

fasilitasunggulan 1

Agar Jurnal Dosen Terindeks Scopus

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Bagi para dosen, publikasi ilmiah di jurnal internasional sangat penting dalam menunjang karirnya. Selain mengembangkan keilmuan, publikasi ilmiah sangat berpengaruh pada kenaikan jabatan dosen dan reputasi institusi. Semakin banyak karya tulis ilmiah dosen yang terindeks di jurnal ilmiah internasional, maka semakin baik pula reputasi perguruan tingginya di dunia internasional.

Telkom PCC

FEB Interlace Cooperation with Telkom PCC

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Faculty of Economics and Business Telkom University (FEB Tel-U) establishes cooperation with Telkom Professional Certification Centre (TPCC). This co-operation related to the training and international certification of Microsoft Project. “TPCC is ready to provide this training and hope this cooperation goes well,” said Director of TPCC Syahruddin Podding, Wednesday (29/4).


Salamina Café: Delicious along with Exclusive Services

BANDUNG, TEL-U – There is always exclusive taste while visiting Salamina Café in the Faculty of Applied Sciences Telkom University (Tel-U). Opening the lunch, Salamina Café offers four appetizer menu. Besides Prawn Salad and Quiche Lorraine, there are also Green Mix Salad, and a Waldorf Salad.

Teknik Industri

Dozens Product Design of Industrial Engineering Students Showcased

BANDUNG, TEL-U – A total of 64 students’ product design exhibited at Pelampong Building Exhibition 2015 in Telkom University (Tel- U), Monday (27/4). The products on display are the result of the final project for Product Design, Plant Design and Business Planning Courses for students of Industrial Engineering class of 2012.

Awaken Entre

Awaken the Entrepreneur Soul Facing of AEC

BANDUNG, TEL-U – High unemployment cannot be separated from the poor quality of education and the lack of jobs availability in Indonesia. So that in the era of ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) The entrepreneurial spirit is needed. Not only businessmen, anyone should have the courage and creativity like an entrepreneur.


CEO of Metra Telkom Shared About Accounting Insight

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Accounting Studies Program Faculty of Economics & Business Telkom University (FEB Tel-U) organized public lectures, presenting the CEO of Metra Telkom, Teguh Wahyono, on the ground floor of FEB Building, Monday (4/5). On that occasion, Teguh delivered material about Accounting Role in Corporate Actions.

Pecinta Film

A Movie Lover Hangout Together

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Student Activity Unit, Telkom Film Forum (UKM FFT) Telkom University held a Sharing Session “ Story & Movie Script Writing” themed “Dari Kita Jadi Cerita”. The event held in Barbeq-You, Jl. Bengawan Bandung, Sunday (3/5).