fasilitasunggulan 1

Tel-U Hadirkan Google Apps For Education

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Direktorat SISFO Telkom University menghadirkan sistem Google Apps yang bisa terintegrasi dengan sistem layanan milik Tel-U seperti iGracias. Sistem berbasis web yang dikenal dengan nama Google Apps For Education (GAFE), dapat membantu seluruh civitas Tel-U untuk login pada layanan yang diberikan oleh Google dengan menggunakan SSO.

Taman Sains

Soon, Government Build 100 National Science and Technology Park!

BANDUNG, TEL-U – The government plans to build and develop 100 Science Techno Park (STP) or the National Science and Technology parks in every province in Indonesia. The plan is in accordance with President Joko Widodo program that is Cita Nawa. STP will be professionally managed areas with the aim of encouraging sustainable economic growth.

Easy with tech

Feels Easy with Technology

BANDUNG, TEL-U – ICT Communication Studies Club Tel-U invited students of Tel-U to improve the knowledge of current technological developments. This invitation delivered in event entitled “Everything is Easy with Technology,” which was held in the 4th floor Auditorium of Kawalusu Building Faculty of Communication and Business (FKB), Thursday (30/4).

DJ Arie

Tips to Avoid the Stage Fright, DJ Arie version

BANDUNG, TEL-U – For students, public speaking is a skill that must be possessed. But not all students are ready to do so. Sometimes, Speak in a public sphere becomes a scary thing. There is even a term ‘Demam Panggung-Stage Fright’ from too worried or afraid to speak in public.

ICT BAngsa

Develop ICT for National Interests

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Indonesia with enormous population, obviously need technology and adequate information. Every day, technology grows increasingly sophisticated with various features. Similarly, the common thread that is implicit in the national seminar organized by Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FTE), Saturday (11/04).

fasilitasunggulan 1

Jelang 5G, Tel-U akan Siapkan Riset Konten Pendukung

JAKARTA, TEL-U – Teknologi mobile broadband terus berevolusi seiring dengan permintaan pasar yang terus meningkat. Untuk itu, Telkom University (Tel-U) sebagai salah satu perguruan tinggi yang berbasiskan pada ICT, segera menyiapkan para peneliti yang melakukan riset terpadu untuk menjawab evolusi ini.