Orad Gema Rawana

Muda Gema Rawana and Perimatrik Members Tried Out Citarum

BANDUNG, TEL – U Students activity unit, (past) Perimatrik and (past) Gema Rawana held the whitewater sport training acticity (kegiatan masa bimbingan olah raga arus deras or usually called ‘Mabim Orad’) in Citarum River, Padalarang, Kabupaten Bandung Barat on Friday and Saturday (18th-19th April 2014).

The Grade +4 condition there in Citarum River which caused by hardly pouring rain all day long, could not stop the spirit of the young members to train and wade the cascade of that longest river in West Java. Mabim Orad was the next phase that should be taken by the young members of (past) Perimatrik and (past) GemaRawana which already passed their basic training on the last February. Mabim Orad itself was the last training activity after mountain-forest, conservation and rock climbing training activities.
This activity was followed by five young members consist of UKM (past) Perimatrik and (past) GemaRawana Around two days, the members got various lessons. Such as basic technique of rafting, rafting swims, boat flip, boat carrying and throwing rescue rope as well.
Not only basic techniques and water-rescue techniques that learnt in this event, but teamwork is also trained in this recent Mabim Orad. The young members must be able to cooperate with the skipper (boat’s captain) to control the boat’s speed so that it could pass the river’s cascade and, for sure, not flipped.
Bayu, Chief Executive of this event, as well as Head of Orad Division, stated that the young members are expected to be able to understand all the lessons and at least, they would be able to survive when something the face the unexpected things while they adventured into the wild.  Especially, for the river-adventure activities which is very risky due to the high rate of accident.
“Moreover, we expected that they would be able to apply the knowledge they’ve got when they explore and adventured the wild, as well as in the daily life,” he stated. (KomPro/Azzah)

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STIMSI Ought to Emulate Tel-U

BANDUNG, TEL-U – The delegation of Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Semen Indonesia (Stimsi) / College of Cement Management Indonesia—visited Telkom University on Tuesday (12th April 2014). As the school which established and fully support by a BUMN in Indonesia, they ought to learn how Telkom University is able to improve the education concept.
Wingga E Tirtamadja, MBA, one of the delegations from STIMSI said, his organization was engrossed to learn how Telkom University managed to improve in the development of Yayasan Pendidikan Telkom (YPT)/Telkom Educational Foundation, which is under the Telkom Group.
“We saw a rapid improvement of Telkom University, especially when we see it here in direct, the campus’ condition is very good. Therefore, we are interested to modeled the good things which developed by this campus,” Wingga said.
The delegations of Stimsi had a discussion with the Chief Secretary/Kepala Bagian Sekretaris Pimpinan (Kabag Sekpim) Dwi Joko Purwanto for around two hours. Many questions were asked, include Telkom University’s strategies. They also got explanations about the STT Telkom which became the cornerstone of Telkom University.
“We saw that Telkom University was started from a college which improved to a university, which soon will be a World Class University. This is what we’re going to emulate,” Wingga said.(KomPro/raf)

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Jumlah Pendonor Darah Lampaui Target

BANDUNG, TEL – U – Aksi donor darah yang digelar di kawasan kampus Telkom University pada 14 – 17 April 2014 lalu ternyata mendapat sambutan hangat dari sivitas akademika. Buktinya, tidak kurang dari 445 orang yang rela mendonorkan darahnya. “Padahal target kami empat ratus orang,” ujar Ketua Pelaksana donor darah, Febrina.

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UKM Jawa Gelar Parama Budaya 2014

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa (UKM) Jawa Telkom University menggelar acara Parama Budaya 2014 Rabu (22 April 2014). Kegiatan bertema “Nguri Uri Kabudayan” ini merupakan salah satu rangkaian yang puncaknya akan diselenggarakan oleh UKM Jawa pada tanggal 10 Mei nanti.

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Mapala Seluruh Telkom University Memperingati Hari Bumi

BANDUNG, TEL – U – Sebuah kegiatan positif yang mengusung tema ‘one heart , one earth’ digelar oleh mapala (mahasiswa pecinta alam) yang ada di lingkungan Telkom University pada Selasa (22 April 2014). Kegiatan ini bertujuan mendukung pelestarian dan kepedulian terhadap kondisi alam yang sudah semakin mengkhawatirkan.

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STIMSI Ingin Mencontoh Tel-U

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Perwakilan dari Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Semen Indonesia (Stimsi) melakukan kunjungan ke Telkom University Selasa (15 April 2014). Sebagai sekolah yang diselenggarakan dengan bantuan penuh dari sebuah BUMN di Indonesia, mereka ingin mempelajari cara Telkom University dalam mengembangkan konsep pendidikan.

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Mahasiswa Antusias Ikut Seminar dan Workshop Samsung Comes to Tel-U

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Puluhan mahasiswa Telkom University tampak antusias mengikuti seminar dan workshop Samsung Comes to Tel-U yang digelar seharian pada Sabtu (5/4) lalu. Acara yang digelar di Gedung Serba Guna (GSG) Telkom University ini menampilkan Spesialisasi Digital Service and Content Specialist PT. Samsung Electronics Indonesia Amon Sabara dan Aly Sangadjie, Program Developer dari SRIN.

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Telkom University Kerjasama dengan Cybernetics International College of Technology Kualalumpur Malaysia

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Demi pengembangan kualitas pendidikan di masing-masing institusi, Telkom University dengan Cybernetics International College of Technology Kualalumpur Malaysia bersepakat untuk mengikat kerjasama yang menguntungkan kedua belah pihak. Kerjasama ini diwujudkan dengan penandatanganan MoU di antara kedua institusi yang dilakukan di Gedung LC pada Selasa (15/4) lalu.

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Pasar Budaya 2014

Pasar Budaya 2014 akan digelar pada Rabu (23 April 2014) di Gedung Serba Guna (GSG). Acara ini akan dimeriahkan oleh berbagai UKM kebudayaan seperti Jawa, Sunda, Sulawesi, dan lain-lain. Mereka akan menghibur dengan berbagai tarian dan hiburan lainnya yang menjadi kebudayaan kebanggaan Nusantara.

Tersedia pula stan kuliner khas dari berbagai daerah seperti coto Makassar, Mie Aceh, dan lain-lain. Tak lupa akan ada stan charity untuk disumbangkan ke panti asuhan.