BANDUNG, TEL-U – Telkom University peringati Hari Pendidikan Nasional pada tanggal 2 Mei 2014 dengan menggelar upacara bendera yang dilaksanakan di gedung D (Dekanat Fakultas Informatika). Kegiatan tersebut dihadiri oleh sejumlah mahasiswa, dosen dan karyawan Telkom University.
Bandung, Tel-U – M. Yahya Arwiyah, SH., MH., Wakil Rektor IV Bidang Kemahasiswaan, memberangkatkan 39 mahasiswa Telkom Engineering School ke Jakarta pada Kamis (24/04) laku di depan gedung Learning Center Telkom University. Mahasiswa-mahasiswa tersebut merupakan Tim Robotic yang berasal dari Telkom Engineering School dan terbagi menjadi 5 Tim. Keberangkatan mahasiswa ke Jakarta tersebut dalam rangka mengikuti Kontes Robot Nasional Regional II di Universitas Tarumanegara Jakarta.
Bandung, Tel-U – Fakultas Teknik Elektro mengharumkan Tel-U di ajang Kontes Robot Indonesia 2014 Regional II. Pada Kamis sampai dengan Sabtu (24-27/04) lalu, Tim Robotic Tel-U meraih dua medali juara pada ajang kontes robot yang diselenggarakan di Universitas Tarumangera (Untar) Jakarta tersebut. Mereka adalah Tim Azkaizan 4WD, dengan pembimbing Agung Nugroho Jati, ST., MT., yang meraih juara I pada kategori Kontes Robot Pemadam Api Indonesia (KRPAI) tipe beroda. Kemudian, Tim Arjuna, dengan pembimbing Erwin Susanto, ST., MT., Ph.D yang meraih juara III pada kategori Kontes Robot Pemadam Api Indonesia (KRPAI) tipe berkaki.
Bandung, Tel-U – Ada yang tidak biasa di kawasan BTPlex pada Senin (28/04) lalu. Pasalnya BTPlex menjadi salah satu lokasi pengambilan gambar untuk acara variety show Laptop Si unyil Trans 7. Aris Boy dan Dini, Reporter Laptop Si Unyil ditemani Lia Marlia, Public Relations YPT beserta Dwi Joko, Public Relations Tel-U, melakukan liputan mengenai Brainstat.
BANDUNG, TEL-U –Riverside, unit kegiatan mahasiswa yang bergerak dibidang olahraga baseball dan softball pada hari Minggu (27/4) mengadakan acara pembuka kejuaraan softball tingkat nasional “Telkom University Cup 2014”. Opening Ceremony resmi dibuka oleh Wakil Rektor IV, Bapak Dr. M. Yahya Arwiyah, SH., MH ditandai dengan pemukulan gong dan pelepasan balon udara. Beliau juga dalam pidatonya mengatakan bahwa sekiranya kegiatan ini akan dapat menumbuhkan semangat sportifitas di kalangan para pemuda dan menjadi ajang silaturahmi.
Telkom University Cup 2014 merupakan kejuaraan yang keempat kalinya diadakan oleh Riverside yang sebelumnya bernama IT Telkom Cup. Pertandingan softball ini digelar sejak tanggal 25 April sampai 4 Mei 2014 mendatang di Gor Lodaya Bandung. Diselenggarakannya turnamen ini bertepatan dengan hari jadi Riverside.
Sebanyak 12 universitas turut berpartisipasi dalam turnamen ini, diantaranya UGM, Unpar, UPI, ITB, UNY, Unisba, dan beberapa universitas lainnya. Tentunya pertandingan ini dibagi atas dua kategori, yaitu putra dan putri.
Setelah resmi dibuka, acara dilanjutkan dengan persembahan tarian oleh cheerleaders dan flashmob oleh panitia yang sangat menghibur para penonton pertandingan. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan “Homerun Derby” sebuah kompetisi mini unjuk aksi para batter handal dari setiap kampus. Alhasil, Aditya Framana dari UGM Softball Club keluar sebagai pemenang.
“Saya berharap semoga dengan adanya acara ini, kelak softball dapat dijadikan salah satu cabang olahraga yang turut dipertandingkan dalam Pekan Olahraga MahasiswaNasional.” Ujar Ketua Pelaksana Telkom University Cup 2014, Aditya Fajar.
Telkom University Cup 2014 masih akan berlanjut selama seminggu kedepan, menjadi harapan agar kegiatan ini dapat berlangsung aman dan lancar.(KomPro/Sonia)
-Outbound yang digelar CDC (Career Development Centre) berlangsung meriah dan lancar walaupun hujan yang terus menerus mengguyur hampir sepanjang acara.
Outbound yang berlangsung pada hari Minggu 27 April 2014 kemarin, dibuka oleh warek IV Bpk. Yahya Arwiyah pada pukul 08.00 pagi, para peserta outbound yang merupakan para mahasiswa yang menempati asrama Telkom University terlihat sangat antusias mengikuti kegiatan outbound tersebut.
JAKARTA, TEL-U – To keep developing the resources’ capacity, both human resources and the growth of technology, Telkom University is now started to explore a cooperation with two giant companies, Microsoft Indonesia and Intel Indonesia Corporation.
This partnership exploration was done by the Rector of Telkom University, Prof. Ir. Mochamad Ashari,M.Eng., Ph.D accompanied by Rektor III Bidang Admisi & Kantor Internasional (Rector 3rd of Admission & International Office Field) AMA. Suyanto, Ir., MBA, DBA, through visiting those two companies’ offices on Thursday (10/4).
AMA Suyanto said, from that visit, both parties had agreed to have mutual support cooperation.
“This shows us that, Telkom University has been started to be known by the international companies,” he stated.
AMA Suyanto add, Telkom University is now become one of the colleges that got Microsoft’s attention as the potential college. Therefore, the door of cooperation between two parties is opened widely.
“Even they will involve and create kind of cooperation with the other schools under Sandhykara Putra Educational Foundation (Yayasan Pendidikan Sandhykara Putra / (YSPT)), includes supporting to provide the training for vocational and high school teachers,” he said.
In respond of that visit, Luci Sajat from Education Public Sector Department Team of Microsoft Indonesia, said that her side is ready to follow up the cooperation that Telkom University will start to establish.
“Microsoft’s Education Team is ready to come to Telkom University on the next Tuesday 22nd of April to do a presentation as well as discussing Microsoft’s program for education,” Luci said.
Moreover, Luci stated, in the next meeting at Telkom University, they could discuss the programs for students, such as Partners in Learning and the other programs.
“We really hope that our discussion could be useful. And the cooperation that already going on right now could be improved, for the needs of the civitas of Telkom University,” she stated. (KomPro/raf)
BANDUNG, TEL-U – Tens students of Telkom University were so enthusiastic when they followed the Samsung Comes to Tel-U seminar and workshop which held full-day on last Saturday (5th April). The event itself took place in the Gedung Serba Guna (GSG) Telkom University, and presents Digital Service Specialization and Content Specialist of PT. Samsung Electronics Indonesia, Amon Sabara and Aly Sangadjie, Program Developer of SRIN.
During the workshop, participants’ enthusiasm was considerably quite high. It was also caused by the factor that most of the participants were interested with program creations and developments. But, the amount of seminar’s participants that was not so high compared with the workshop’s participants became one thing that was quite regrettable.
Actually, the committees targeted 100 people for the workshop participants. But, there were only 64 participants that appeared in the workshop. Believed that target was unaccomplished caused by the participants’ registration that was limited for 100 registrants only. It was contrast with the numbers of seminar’s participants that reached 240 people.
“In fact, what had been happen in Telkom University for so long is, when there were 200 people register themselves, then usually those who confirmed their attendance and surely shown up on the D-Day is only 50 percents from the total registrants. Therefore, for the next events, if the registration is still using this completely similar system, then the committee would need to set the registrants numbers like two or three times of the real target,” said Chief Executive of the event, Kemas Rahmat SW.
Nevertheless, this case did not discourage the participants’ spirit to keeping up with the event. Overall, the event ran successfully. With one note for sure, it needs to fix the setting of participants’ numbers that register for the event.
“I hope that this event could raise a higher interest to the students of Informatics Faculty in exploiting mobile technology in general, and particularly the technology that offered by Samsung,” he said. (Bagus, KomPro/raf)
BANDUNG, TEL-U – In order to improve the educational quality in both institutions, Telkom University and Cybernetics International College of Technology Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia were made a pact to create a favorable collaboration to the both institutions. This collaboration was realized through a MoU contract signing by those two institutions which took place in the LC Building on last Tuesday (15th April).
This contract signing was done by Prof. Ir. Mochamad Ashari,M.Eng., Ph.D, Rector of Telkom University, and Chief Executive of Cybernetics International College of Technology, Prof. Dr. Nazaruddin bin Mohd Jali, as well as the Founder of Cybernetics International College of Technology, Prof. Dr. Alang Perang bin Zainuddin.
In this MoU both Telkom University and Cybernetics International College of Technology were agreed to create several mutual supports such as students exchange, long-distance learning system, and over-grade from diploma to bachelor.
“We expect that this cooperation could be realized for both institutions side’s good sake in order to improve the quality of education,” said Prof Dr Nazaruddin.(KomPro/raf)
BANDUNG, TEL – U Students activity unit, (past) Perimatrik and (past) Gema Rawana held the whitewater sport training acticity (kegiatan masa bimbingan olah raga arus deras or usually called ‘Mabim Orad’) in Citarum River, Padalarang, Kabupaten Bandung Barat on Friday and Saturday (18th-19th April 2014).
The Grade +4 condition there in Citarum River which caused by hardly pouring rain all day long, could not stop the spirit of the young members to train and wade the cascade of that longest river in West Java. Mabim Orad was the next phase that should be taken by the young members of (past) Perimatrik and (past) GemaRawana which already passed their basic training on the last February. Mabim Orad itself was the last training activity after mountain-forest, conservation and rock climbing training activities.
This activity was followed by five young members consist of UKM (past) Perimatrik and (past) GemaRawana Around two days, the members got various lessons. Such as basic technique of rafting, rafting swims, boat flip, boat carrying and throwing rescue rope as well.
Not only basic techniques and water-rescue techniques that learnt in this event, but teamwork is also trained in this recent Mabim Orad. The young members must be able to cooperate with the skipper (boat’s captain) to control the boat’s speed so that it could pass the river’s cascade and, for sure, not flipped.
Bayu, Chief Executive of this event, as well as Head of Orad Division, stated that the young members are expected to be able to understand all the lessons and at least, they would be able to survive when something the face the unexpected things while they adventured into the wild. Especially, for the river-adventure activities which is very risky due to the high rate of accident.
“Moreover, we expected that they would be able to apply the knowledge they’ve got when they explore and adventured the wild, as well as in the daily life,” he stated. (KomPro/Azzah)