
Ajisaka, Application for Learning Javanese Alphabet

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Not many children today who understand and know how to write in Javanese. It could be because learning Javanese is not a piece of cake, especially for children. So it needs interactive and fun learning media. It helps children avoid the boredom while they studying Javanese alphabet.

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Biaya Hidup

Biaya hidup rata-rata yang dibutuhkan mahasiswa pada umumnya terbagi menjadi tiga bagian, yaitu:

  1. Biaya makan. Biaya makan sangat bervariatif, tergantung apa menu yang dimakan oleh mahasiswa dan di daerah mana tempat tinggal mahasiswa tersebut. Tetapi tarif rata-rata mahasiswa makan yaitu Rp. 10.000 – Rp 15.000. Pola makan manusia biasanya makan berat 2 dua kali dan sarapan . Untuk itu biaya untuk makan perbulan sekitar Rp. 900.000.
  2. Biaya transportasi. Untuk mahasiswa yang mempunyai tempat tinggal jauh dari lingkungan kampus biasanya menggunakan transportasi umum. Untuk angkutan kota di Bandung, tarif paling tinggi berkisar antara Rp 5000 – Rp. 6000 untuk satu jurusan. Sedangkan untuk mahasiswa yang tinggal di lingkungan kampus biasanya dapat berjalan kaki, tentungan ini akan sangat menghemat pengeluaran bulanan. Tetapi ada juga mahasiswa yang menggunakan kendaraan pribadi, Diperlukan sekitar Rp. 200.000 untuk biaya bahan bakar kendaraan.
  3. Biaya tambahan (tak terduga). Biaya tambahan dapat berupa biaya fotocopy, print, pembelian buku, baju, hiburan dan biaya sakit. Kebutuhan tak terduga seperti ini biasanya memakan biaya sekitar Rp.300.000

Untuk itu dengan perincian biaya diatas, mahasiwa umumnya membutuhkan biaya bulanan sekitar Rp.1.400.000 dan biaya tahunan untuk kosan sekitar Rp.5.000.000 – Rp.10.000.000

Refleksi tel u

Two Years Reflection, Tel-U Extend to Develop Quality Resources

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Two years already, Telkom University (Tel-U) contribute to the nation through tri dharma. Having previously an amalgamation of four different institution, Telkom Institute of Technology, Telkom Institute of Management, STISI Telkom and Telkom Polytechnic. “It is a struggle that is not easy at the beginning of its formation, but Telkom University has […]

Pitt Monochrome

Lecturer of FIK joined Pitt Monochrome Workshop

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Faculty of Creative Industries (FIK) seemed enthusiastic attended Pitt Monochrome workshop in Faber Castell Workshop in the FIK Hall 4th floor, Tuesday (4/8). Pitt Monochrome is one of Faber Castell products that can be used to make the illustration in order to look more textured illustration. In this workshop, Indonesian comic artist Sweta Kartika demonstrated Pitt Monochrome by making a comic character illustration.

fasilitasunggulan 1

Alumni Management

Some program has prepared for Telkom University alumni,

  1. Profiling is an activity that gives students an overview of the potential psychological self of each student, so that it can be given the training and development according to the needs of students. Psikotest results can be used as consideration in selecting a career, student counseling and reference activities talent management application system
  2. Training Career Training or training aims to enhance the skills of students and alumni, so hopefully they are always ready to face competition in entering the world of work and employment and entrepreneurship. Such training is training soft skills or employability skills, such as training to face job interview, knowledge of ethics in work, training, communication skills and public speaking, leadership (leadership), presentation and negotiation skills, mock interviews, how to manufacture cv and sharing motivation of the experts, practitioners, and alumni who have successful careers
  3. Vacancy Training Presentations delivered by the company that aims to introduce the company profile and specification of the existing labor requirements in the company. Through this activity, students are expected to prepare themselves to meet these needs and can compete in the world of work.
  4. Employment counseling and career service employment counseling and career counseling aims to facilitate the students or graduates in choosing a career path according to the abilities, interests, and potential. This service also be consulted if the student and alumni face problems in the tests that have not been successful or have problems in a career.
  5. Industrial Visits IndustriProgram visit to the company aims to help students understand the world of work and industry characteristics in the visit as well as a chance for cooperation with companies
  6. Jobs Provides information innformasi job (vacancy), career development (career development), internships, industrial work (KI) in the field of IT and non-IT from institutions or companies, both public and private national and international scale.
  7. Campus Recruitments Telkom Company selection process held on the campus of the University, thus saving time, effort and expense. This service is very effective to help the company.
  8. Job Fair Providing services for alumni (job seekers) to be able to meet directly with Company / Industry (employers) so that it can interact with both. This activity is an integration of various activities such as presentations from industry, promotion, walk in interview and recruitment of companies at the same time.
  9. Tracer Study Tracer Study is tracking the activities of alumni that aims to determine the status of alumni. The information obtained is used to calculate the waiting period graduates and labor absorption ratio.
  10. Industrial Gathering This activity aims to determine user satisfaction graduate and receive information (feedback) the alignment of the existing system of education provision in Telkom University with industry needs. The information used for the improvement of the curriculum to fit the needs of industry and improve the quality of education
  11. Assessment Center Provides psychological test program, recruitment, selection and assessment to the parties that require internal and external assessment services for human resources in the company or institution outside Telkom Education Foundation (YPT) Group
  12. Training and development potential seed Students Provide training and development program devoted to students who have superior criteria which are in the Talent Pool and has been set based on data profiling, selection of academic achievement / non-academic students
Dosen Baik

Kopertis: Good Lecturer is a Good Researcher

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Coordinator Kopertis West Java – Banten, Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Abdul Hakim Halim, M.Sc, say, to become a world-class university, Telkom University (Tel-U) should remain consistent to work hard to achieve it. One way is to improve the quality of lecturers, mainly related to research activities. “Good lecturer is a good researcher,” said Abdul Hakim.

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Rektor Ajak Sivitas Akademika Bekerja dan Berprestasi untuk Bangsa

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Rektor Telkom University (Tel-U) Prof. Ir. Mochamad Ashari, M.Eng.,Ph. D mengajak seluruh sivitas akademika untuk mengisi kemerdekaan dengan bekerja keras dan berprestasi. “Kepada seluruh sivitas akademika, saya mengajak untuk bekerja keras dan meraih prestasi di bidangnya masing-masing sesuai dengan tupoksinya (tugas pokok dan fungsinya). Agar apa yang dicita-citakan bersama dapat terwujud,” katanya.

fasilitasunggulan 1

Menteri Uji Coba Insinerator Pengolah Sampah

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Selain mengajak mahasiswa memberi contoh hidup sehat, Menteri BUMN Rini Soemarno juga melakukan ujicoba Insinerator Pengolah Sampah di kampus Telkom University (Tel-U), Minggu sore (16/8). Insenerator ini merupakan produk inovasi Bandung Techno Park (BTP) yang pernah diperkenalkan kepada Presiden Republik Indonesia Joko Widodo pada kunjungannya Januari silam.

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Menteri BUMN Ajak Mahasiswa Tel-U Beri Contoh Hidup Bersih

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Menteri BUMN, Rini Soemarno, mengajak mahasiswa Telkom University (Tel-U) untuk memberi contoh hidup bersih kepada masyarakat yang tinggal di lingkungan kurang bersih. Contoh hidup bersih antara lain dengan cara mengolah sampah yang baik dan bagaimana menjaga lingkungan agar lebih sehat.