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Bachelor of Design in Craft Textiles and Fashion


Being excellent courses in the fields of Design, Textile and Fashion Craft and competence development center creativepreneur based on Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

  1. Produce graduates who have creativepreneur competence in the field of Textile and Fashion Craft which accommodates the power of Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes (Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes) holistically so that the use value for society at large
  2. Produce graduates who are able to take advantage of ICT developments in global publication the results of implementation of scientific fields of Textile and Fashion Craft, so as to create new employment opportunities in the field of creative industries
  3. Conducting Tridharma college teaching, research and community service and make the concept of Digital Network to strengthen and expand the network of cooperation with similar study programs both at home and abroad
  4. Being the center of the field of dissemination of scientific papers Textile and Fashion Craft and references for similar courses both at national and international level
  5. Became a center for the development of field activities ceativepreneur Textile and Fashion Craft using digital marketing concept that can serve as a model for similar programs in Indonesia

What is meant by the profile of graduates is expected roles can be performed by a graduate of study program Craft Textile and Fashion in the community or workplace. This profile is intended pendidikanyang outcome (outcome = byproduct is the acceptance and recognition of the outcomes of the college community, sustainable, improved quality of life and the environment). Undergraduate program in Textile and Fashion Craft STISI-TELKOM organized to produce graduates (Bachelor of Design) with graduate profile as follows:

  • Fashion Designer (Childrenswear / Menswear / Teenagewear / Maternitywear / Womenswear / Moslemwear / Evening & Partywear / Customwear / Traditionalclothwear)
  • Fashion Stylist / illustrator / Consultant
  • Fashion Coordinator / Editor / Journalist
  • Fashion Merchandiser / Buyer / Marketer
  • Fashion Photographer
  • Accessories Designer (Footwear, Bag, Hat)
  • Costume / Textile Designer, Pattern Maker
  • Brand Manager, Visual Display Artist
  • Boutique / Retail Store Manager
  • Factory Outlet / Distro Manager as Owner
  • Garment Industry
  • Costume Designer & Making
  • Clothing Manufacturer
  • High Street Clothes Retailing
  • Magazine Publishing
  • Design Educator
  • Hair Care & Cosmetics / Accessories / Perfume , Modelling Industry
  • Color & Style Consultant


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Kopertis: “Dosen yang Baik adalah Peneliti yang Baik”

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Koordinator Kopertis Jawa Barat – Banten, Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Abdul Hakim Halim, M.Sc, mengatakan, untuk menjadi universitas berkelas dunia, Telkom University (Tel-U) harus tetap konsisten untuk bekerja keras menggapainya. Salah satu caranya adalah dengan meningkatkan kualitas dosen, terutama berkaitan dengan kegiatan penelitian. “Dosen yang baik adalah peneliti yang baik,” ujar Abdul Hakim.

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Bachelor Of Communication


Being an international study program that can provide inspiration for professionals in the field of information technology-based communications in 2021

  1. Organize and develop international standard education in the field of science communication.
  2. Develop and disseminate knowledge in the field of information technology-based communications.
  3. Produce copyrighted works excel in the field of science communication to the welfare and progress of civilization.
  4. Carry out community service activities in the form of consultancy, training, and guidance to solve communication problems.
  1. Produce graduates who are competent in the field of science communication, so that they can compete on an international scale.
  2. Develop a culture of science communication through research and entrepreneurship.
  3. Produce work and innovation in the field of science communication that are useful for the improvement of quality of life.
  4. Earn the trust of all stakeholders in the field of science communication.
  1. Marketing Communication
  2. Broadcasting


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Character Improvement

In addition to the development of intelligence, character development is also one that is considered in Telkom University. Various activities organized by campus and organized by the students, referring to the development of character to be able to compete in the world of work later on. Such activities, usually invite the speakers and mentors to share their experiences and knowledge in order to give the audience especially students can be inspired and then be able to change their bad habits become a better person

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Activity & Student Prosperaty

Telkom campus student activities at the University are very diverse. Not only in the academic field, Telkom University students are required to be active outside the academic field. There are quite a lot of the Student Activity Unit which is under the auspices of Telkom University can be used as a container for hobbies, interests, and other activities to increase skill in socializing in public, especially after the student graduated from Telkom University

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Refleksi Dua Tahun, Tel-U Terus Kembangkan Kualitas Sumber Daya

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Genap dua tahun Telkom University (Tel-U) berkontribusi bangsa melalui kegiatan tri dharmanya. Setelah sebelumnya merupakan penggabungan dari empat institusi yang berbeda bidang yakni Institut Teknologi Telkom, Institut Manajemen Telkom, STISI Telkom dan Politeknik Telkom.

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Tiga Tim Tel-U Raih Juara pada Kompetisi Roket dan Balon Atmosfer

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Mahasiswa Telkom University kembali menorehkan prestasi pada ajang kompetisi nasional. Kali ini mereka berhasil meraih tiga penghargaan pada Kompetisi Muatan Roket dan Roket Indonesia (Komurindo) serta Kompetisi Muatan Balon Atmosfer (Kombat) 2015 pada tanggal 2 – 5 Agustus 2015 di Balai Produksi dan Pengujian Roket Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional (LAPAN) Pameungpeuk, Kabupaten Garut, Jawa Barat.

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Dosen FIK Ikuti Workhsop Pitt Monochrome

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Dosen Fakultas Industri Kreatif (FIK) tampak antusias mengikuti workshop tentang Pitt Monochrome pada Workshop Faber Castell di Aula FIK lantai 4, Selasa (4/8). Pitt Monochrome merupakan salah satu produk Faber Castell yang dapat digunakan untuk membuat ilustrasi agar tampilan ilustrasi lebih bertekstur. Di workshop ini, komikus Indonesia Sweta Kartika mendemontrasikan Pitt Monochrome dengan membuat ilustrasi karakter komiknya.

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Hadapi OMB 2015, Mahasiswa Tel-U Ikuti Belanegara

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Tidak seperti biasanya, Selasa (4/8) kawasan Telkom University Convention Hall (TUCH) dipenuhi oleh personil TNI. Sebanyak 70 personil TNI dari Yon Zipur 3/YW bersiap untuk melatih belanegara mahasiswa Telkom University.