Agenda CNN

CNN Indonesia Goes to Campus with Yamaha

CNN Goes to Campus with Yamaha held on Thursday, April 16th 2015.
Online Journalistic Seminar & Young and Creative in Digital Industries Seminar

Location : Pelampong Building 1st floor
Time : 8.30 WIB s.d. 12.00 WIB

Photo Journalistic Workshop and Video and Infographic Journalistic

Location : Pelampong Building 2nd floor
Time : 13.00 WIB s.d. 16.30 WIB

Campus Bazar, Music Festival and Yamaha Test Ride

Location : Pelampong Building Field(eks. Rectorate Field)
Time : 8.30 WIB s.d. end

Agenda table manner

Table Manner and Workshop Public Speaking

Table Manner and Public Speaking Workshop 2015 held on:

Day/Date : Saturday, April 18th 2015
Time : 16.00 – end
Place : Aston Primera Pasteur Hotel

Training about eating etiquette and experienced public speaker.
Free accomodation plus double certificate.

Book your ticket as fast as possible.
081354198901 (Selvia)
085784655599 (Martina)


Venita Astrio, FKB Student Chosen as GenRe Ambassador Bandung 2015

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Venita Astrio, student of Communication Sciences Faculty of Communication and Business Telkom University (FKB Tel-U) managed to win second place as Student Ambassador GenRe Bandung 2015. This event was held by the Women’s Empowerment and Family Planning Agency (BPPKB) Bandung, Saturday ( 9/5). Generation Planning (GenRe) is a government program created to support the Family Planning (KB).


Company Must Have an Environmental Responsibility, Not ‘Greenwashing’

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Nowadays, the spirit of the green revolution seems to be the trend of companies imaging. Tactic was intensified by various forms of promotional activities themed 'go green'. Watch out, if the 'go green' was created just for the imaging and the positive impression. It may be that the company is just 'greenwashing' and not take real responsibility of the environment.

CS Lomba Robotik

Tel-U Encourage Students Actively Participate in SMK Robotics Competition

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Diploma Study Program of Telecommunication Engineering Telkom University invited teachers and students to actively participated in SMK robotics competition. This invitation expressed in Instructional Media Development Training For Learning Intelligent Robotic Microcontroller For Teachers And Students International work SMK held in laboratories ground floor of Selaru Building, Saturday (9/5).