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S1 Kriya Tekstil dan Mode


Menjadi program studi unggulan dalam bidang keilmuan Kriya Tekstil dan Mode serta pusat pengembangan kompetensi creativepreneur yang berbasis Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

  1. Menghasilkan lulusan yang memiliki kompetensi creativepreneur dalam bidang Kriya Tekstil dan Mode yang mengakomodasi kekuatan Pengetahuan, Keahlian dan Sikap (Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes) secara holistik sehingga memiliki nilai guna bagi masyarakat luas
  2. Menghasilkan lulusan yang dapat memanfaatkan perkembangan ICT dalam publikasi secara global hasil-hasil implementasi keilmuan bidang Kriya Tekstil dan Mode, sehingga mampu menciptakan peluang lapangan pekerjaan baru di bidang industri kreatif
  3. Melakukan kegiatan tridharma perguruan tinggi bidang pengajaran, penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat dan menjadikan konsep Digital Network untuk memperkuat dan memperluas jaringan kerjasama dengan program studi sejenis baik di dalam maupun di luar negeri
  4. Menjadi pusat diseminasi karya ilmiah bidang Kriya Tekstil dan Mode dan rujukan bagi program studi sejenis baik di tingkat nasional maupun internasional
  5. Menjadi pusat bagi pengembangan kegiatan ceativepreneur bidang Kriya Tekstil dan Mode dengan menggunakan konsep digital marketing agar dapat dijadikan sebagai percontohan bagi program sejenis di Indonesia
Profil Lulusan

Yang dimaksud dengan Profil lulusan adalah peran yang diharapkan dapat dilakukan oleh lulusan Program Studi S1-Kriya Tekstil dan Mode di masyarakat dan atau dunia kerja. Profil ini adalah outcome pendidikanyang dituju (outcome = hasil ikutan adalah penerimaan dan pengakuan masyarakat terhadap luaran perguruan tinggi, berkesinambungan, peningkatan mutu hidup masyarakat dan lingkungan). Program Studi S1 Kriya Tekstil dan Mode STISI-TELKOM diselenggarakan untuk menghasilkan lulusan (Sarjana Desain) dengan profil lulusan sebagai berikut :

  • Fashion Designer (Childrenswear / Menswear / Teenagewear / Maternitywear / Womenswear / Moslemwear / Evening & Partywear / Customwear / Traditionalclothwear)
  • Fashion Stylist / illustrator / Consultant
  • Fashion Coordinator / Editor / Journalist
  • Fashion Merchandiser / Buyer / Marketer
  • Fashion Photographer
  • Accessories Designer (Footwear, Bag, Hat)
  • Costume / Textile Designer, Pattern Maker
  • Brand Manager, Visual Display Artist
  • Boutique / Retail Store Manager
  • Factory Outlet / Distro Manager as Owner
  • Garment Industry
  • Costume Designer & Making
  • Clothing Manufacturer
  • High Street Clothes Retailing
  • Magazine Publishing
  • Design Educator
  • Hair Care & Cosmetics / Accessories / Perfume , Modelling Industry
  • Color & Style Consultant
Situs Resmi


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Sistem Informasi

Information System program study was established based on the Decree of National Accreditation Board for Higher Education, Department of Education, Republic of Indonesia No. 235/D/O/2007 dated November 30th, 2007.

The curriculum is designed with 145 credits for 4 years/8 semester-length of study. For students who can maintain their GPA above 3.00 at the end of each semester, the faculty provides them Acceleration Program in which they can undertake their study in 3.5 years/7 semesters.


This program study aims to become the best program study that can provide potential experts in managing ICT industry.


This program study holds educational and research activities, community services, and communication and information industry by providing competent, independent, and cooperative human resources to guarantee the development and improvement of the study program’s quality, accountability, function, and role.


It produces graduates who:


  1. Are knowledgeable and competent in information system, management, and information technology fields.

  3. Have ability in developing necessary skills to design efficacious information system for organization or business by implementing updated information technology in various applications.

  5. Are able to think analytically and critically, have good communication and professional ethics.
Official Website


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Internasionalisasi Telkom University menuju WCU

BANDUNG TEL-U- Mengawali tahun 2014 ini Telkom University menargetkan 100 orang mahasiswa asing. Pun, implementasi double degree atau joint degree akan dilaksanakan tahun ini. Dalam mempersiapkan program kerjasama internasional Tel- U, Internasional Office Telkom University menyelenggarakan acara Workshop Internasionalisasi Telkom University menuju World Class University, Aula TASS Tel-U, Senin (20/1/2014).

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Telkom University Luncurkan Single Sign On & Igracias for Tel-U

KOMPRO TEL-U- Direktorat Sistem Informasi   Telkom University (Tel-U) meluncurkan Single Sign On (SSO) dan Igracias for Tel-U, Kamis (16/1/2014). Peluncuran diikuti dengan sosialisasi penggunaan SSO dan Igracias for Tel-U di gedung K kampus Tel-U. SSO ditujukan untuk semua dosen, staff dan mahasiswa dengan harapan seluruh civitas akademika Universitas Telkom dapat dengan mudah mengakses seluruh aplikasi di website karena dilakukan melalui satu pintu.

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Green Campus Solution

Bandung Tel-U – A group of students and employees PT. CSM, seen engrossed in planting trees, on  Saturday, January 11, 2014 at 08.00 pm in the area of ​​Education Telkom, Bandung Technoplex in a show titled Environmental Conservation conducted by the students of School of Economics and Business, Telkom University and PT. CSM. More than 600 mahogany trees, bungur, ketapan, and Angsana whose height above two meters were planted in the first phase of the plan 1,000 trees donation from Telkom and Puspitek / Bandung Techno Park. These activities are carried out in order to increase student awareness of how important it is to live in a healthy environment, clean, and beautiful, especially in the area of ​​Bandung Technoplex. Greening Program Telkom University campus is a partnership program that involves students, area managers, universities, communities and Telkom.

 Event opened with mobility for all participants ahead of Telkom Convention Hall of the Field Building  A-B School of Economics and Business Telkom. The event continued with a speech given by Ir. Syarifuddin, MM. and Mr. Harry from PT CSM, as well as opening Environmental Conservation activities on that day. Then, the PT CSM provides a tutorial to all participants, how to plant trees properly, as well as the symbolism it done anyway by Ir. Syarifuddin, MM. and Chief Executive, Reno Putri Intan. After that, then formally participants can plant trees in the hole that has been created and fertilizers have also been provided by the PT. CSM around the area of ​​the Education Foundation of Telkom.

The day is getting daylight and hot weather did not make the participants and organizers complained in the planting of trees, and to the end at 10:00 pm, all participants return mobility to the point of beginning, Parking Lot Building A-B School of Economics and Business Telkom. Activity has also reached the end of the event. Ir. Syarifuddin, MM. along with the Chief Executive give her a few words to cover the activities of Environmental Protection which has the theme “Future with Better Oxygen”.

 With the environmental awareness activities such as this, the organizers hope that the planted trees, can be kept and maintained, not only by the PT CSM, but also by all the students and the academic community of the University of Telkom. In addition, the committee also hopes that events such as this, can be carried out regularly through the green campus program partnership. (Tyas) **

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Beasiswa Telkom University

Telkom University telah melakukan seleksi mahasiswa baru yang berhak mendapatkan beasiswa dari Yayasan Pengembangan Teknologi Indonesia

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Program Perkuliahan Dasar dan Umum

Program Perkuliahan Dasar dan Umum (PPDU)
  PPDU merupakan program yang diberikan kepada seluruh mahasiswa baru Universitas Telkom. PPDU menyelenggarakan mata kuliah dasar dan umum yang bertujuan untuk mempersiapkan mahasiswa agar siap pada saat pemilihan program studi masing-masing mahasiswa.

Info lebih lanjut mengenai PPDU dapat langsung berkunjung ke lokasi PPDU di Gedung LC (Bawah Tangga – Depan Pintu Masuk Lobby LC lantai 1), Jl. Telekomunikasi no. 1. Terusan Buah Batu, Bandung atau kunjungi website PPDU http://ppdu.telkomuniversity.ac.id/.

Jenis-Jenis Layanan di PPDU
  Bagian Program Perkuliahan Dasar Umum (PPDU) Telkom University memiliki berbagai layanan yang menunjang kegiatan akademik, mencakup:


  1. Layanan untuk mahasiswa tingkat 1 seluruh fakultas di Telkom University, diantaranya:

    • Ujian mata kuliah (Koordinasi dengan dosen untuk pembuatan soal, dan ruangan ujian dengan administrasi jurusan)

    • Komplain nilai;

    • Sidang Tahap Persiapan Bersama (TPB);

    • Transkrip nilai mahasiswa semester 1 dan 2.

  2. Koordinasi dengan seluruh dosen wali di Telkom University untuk memastikan prosedur perwalian mahasiswa berjalan sesuai ketentuan (monitoring).
  3. Penyediaan Bank Soal.
  4. Melayani kerja sama dengan institusi eksternal (misal untuk kuliah umum mata kuliah tingkat pertama)
  5. Melayani pengembangan soft skill mahasiswa baru (training mind mapping, ESQ








Struktur Organisasi PPDU

Dra, Endang Budiasih, MT.

Asisten Manajer Perkuliahan Dasar dan Umum
Donny Trihanondo,  S.Ds, M.Ds
Asisten Manajer Praktikum, Mentoring & Geladi
Tengku Ahmad Riza,  ST, MT.
Staf Adminisistrasi/Pelayanan Mahasiswa
Anjang Supriyatna
    Sarah Muslimah
    Ema Lestari
    Khaerul Anwar, ST.