Category: News

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Ketua Telkom Foundation Apresiasi Kinerja Grup

PURWAKARTA, TEL-U – Chairman Telkom Foundation  Ir. Dwi S. Purnomo, MM memberikan apresiasi yang tinggi terhadap kinerja yang telah ditunjukkan jajaran pimpinan dan keluarga besar Telkom Foundation. “Saya sangat mengapresiasi kinerja teman-teman,” ujarnya.


Tel-U Interlace the Cooperation with FPT University Vietnam

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Telkom University advance to develop cooperation with various parties, both inside and outside the country. At this time Tel-U chose FPT University Vietnam as a partner. Representing Tel-U, Rector, Prof. Ir Mochamad Ashari, M. Eng, Ph.D signed an agreement (MoU) on Thursday (22/10).


The Creation of DKV FIK Student Selected to Festival of Tolerance

BANDUNG, TEL-U – A Sobi Mutohari, students Faculty of Creative Industries Telkom University (FIK Tel-U), participated voicing social issues regarding the importance of tolerance in maintaining relations between communities. The participation of him go on display at Festival of Tolerance: Indonesia Home for Everyone 2015 which started on 23 October to 16 November 2015.