Category: News

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Medsos Jangan Hanya untuk Narsis, tapi Bisa untuk Menunjang Bisnis

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Awalnya media sosial (medsos) digunakan oleh masyarakat sebagai tempat untuk sekedar narsis atau eksis. Namun belakangan penggunaan media sosial mengalami pergeseran. Medsos kerap digunakanan sebagai alat penunjang bisnis. “Dengan media sosial kita bisa berbisnis, berbagi informasi, melakukan survey, dan sebagainya. Tergantung bagaimana kita memanfaatkan sosial media tersebut,” ujar Redaktur Pelaksana Detiknet, Ardhi Suryadhi.


MENKOMINFO RI:  “Students Should Have a Role Model”

JAKARTA, TEL-U- Indonesia is now entering the era of ASEAN Economic Community (AEC). Therefore, the Indonesian Human Resources should be prepared to adequate and bring the Indonesia to win the competition. Minister of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT) Rudiantara believes the student should have a role model and have a vision after they graduated from college.

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Preserve The Forest Through Drawing Competition

BANDUNG, TEL-U- A total of 350 people took part in a drawing contest themed ‘Selamatkan Hutanku, Lestari Negeriku’ held at the Faculty of Creative Industries Telkom University (FIK Tel-U), Saturday (12/9). Graphic art and drawing competition held by Faber Castell invited Indonesian artists to channel creation ideas in the media of painting and drawing.


Kutai regency Requested Assistance to Tel-U

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Kutai regency asked Telkom University (Tel-U) helped provide guidance in developing its resources. This was conveyed by Head of Organization Kutai regency, Supriyanto, during his visit to Tel-U campus, Wednesday (9/9).

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Tel-U Choir Raih Dua Penghargaan pada SDGNCF 2015

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Sebanyak 35 mahasiswa Telkom University yang tergabung dalam Tel-U Choir berhasil meraih prestasi pada bidang paduan suara. Tak tanggung-tanggung dua kategori berhasil disabet oleh Tel-U Choir dalam Satya Dharma Gita Nasional Choir Festival (SDGNCF) 2015 yang diselenggarakan oleh Fakultas Hukum Universitas Diponegoro Semarang.

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The 3rd International Seminar & Conference on Learning Organization

Dear Colleague,
isclo committee proudly present the 3rd International Seminar &
Conference on Learning Organization (ISCLO) 2015 and We invite the
submission of papers for the above international conference to be held
at Tentrem Hotel, in Yogyakarta, (visit: [2]). This
international gathering provides a forum for intellectual discussion
among the university academics, researchers, scholars, practician,
practitioner and students.