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Kompetensi PR Harus Sejalan dengan Perkembangan ICT

BANDUNG, TEL – U – Mau tidak mau masyarakat dunia kini dihadapkan dengan perubahan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (TIK) yang begitu pesat. Kehadiran internet sudah menjadi bagian hidup masyarakat. Sosial media, blog, petisi online dan media berita online dan aplikasi lainnya memungkinkan masyarakat menyalurkan opininya di depan publik dengan mudah.

fasilitasunggulan 1

International Seminar How Start Your Career with SAP

Telkom Professional Certification Center (TPCC) bekerjasama dengan Career Development Center (CDC) Telkom University menyelenggarakan “International Seminar How Start Your Career with SAP” yang akan dilaksanakan pada Rabu, 16 September 2015 bertempat di Gedung Learning Center Telkom University, Ruang Multimedia. Dengan targer peserta adalah mahasiswa dari beberapa program studi diantaranya S1 Akuntansi, S1 Sistem Informasi, S1 […]

ict expo

Bandung ICT Expo 2015

In order to welcome the Anniversary 2, Telkom University proudly held “Bandung ICT Expo 2015” on 10 to 12 September 2015 held at Convention Hall – Telkom University in Bandung. Some of the activities include seminars, product presentations and ICT Award, which carries the theme: “Strengthening Collaborative Innovation for Community and Industry”. Visit …! Bandung ICT Expo 2015 … Various ICT products is here!

Karir day

Telkom University Career Day 2015

Career Development Center (CDC) will hold an exhibition of limited job fair called “Telkom University Career Day 2015” the aim is to facilitate the graduates who pass the period of August 2015 in order to get a quicker job retention. This event is also organized as a series of anniversary events Telkom University 2nd. The […]

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Research at Tel-U Lead to 5G Technology

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Dean Faculty of Electrical Engineering Telkom University (FTE Tel-U), Dr. Pudji Rina Astuti said that several studies in Tel-U has now led to the 5G technology or 5th generation. “The 5th generation technologies meet the higher demand in the future. 5G technology integrates network, source and computing, “said Rina.