Category: News

fasilitasunggulan 1

Mahasiswa FKB Juara Ketiga Lomba Debat

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Mahasiswa Fakultas Komunikasi dan Bisnis Telkom University (FKB Tel-U) raih Juara 3 pada Lomba Debat Public Relations, Kampung Komunikasi 2015, yang digelar di Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) Yogyakarta. Dalam lomba yang dilaksanakan pada 25 dan 28 Mei 2015 ini Tim Telkom University berhasil menyisihkan sejumlah peserta dari berbagai universitas di Indonesia.

fasilitasunggulan 1

Pameran On-Material (ITY)

Program Studi Kriya Tekstil dan Mode Telkom university akan menggelar pameran bertajuk On-Material(ITY) Sedangkan untuk pelaksanaannya akan berlangsung selama 2 (dua)yang dilaksanakan pada: Pembukaan Hari/Tanggal: Jumat, 05 Juni 2015 Waktu : 16.00 – Selesai Tempat : Galeri Hidayat Jl. Sulanjana No. 36 Bandung Pameran berlangsung Hari/Tanggal: Jumat, 05-06 Juni 2015 Waktu : 16.00 – Selesai […]

fasilitasunggulan 1

Bisnis Telekomunikasi Perlu Ide Baru untuk Raih Kesempatan Pasar

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Tak dipungkiri, sektor telekomunikasi di Indonesia nyatanya dihadapkan pada kompetisi bisnis. Hal ini menuntut tumbuhnya ide-ide baru untuk membuka kesempatan meraih pasar. “Kebanyakan bisnis kini mengarah ke resource base dan saat ini Telkom sedang berorientasi ke market dengan menciptakan ide dan inovasi baru,” kata SGM Telkom Corpu Ir. Dwi Haryanto, pada sharing session diseminasi ilmiah di Fakultas Ekonomi Bisnis Tel-U, Jumat (29/5).

CS Mural Dosen Tel U

Tel-U Lecturer Paint 30-meter Long Mural at Zipur Headquarters

BANDUNG, TEL-U – There are many ways to serve the community, art can be one of amusing way. This idea done by three lecturers from Faculty of Creative Industries, Telkom University (Tel-U). They performed community service by making a 30-meter long mural paintings inside the headquarters of C Engineer Combat Battalion (Zipur) III / YW Baleendah.

CS Kewirus

Independent Living With Entrepreneurship

Bandung Tel-U – The importance of entrepreneur’s role in building economic independence in a society does not need to doubt. In the United States, as one of the developed countries, the level of adult population involved in new business has reached 13% in 2012. Unfortunately, the same optimism not happened in Indonesia. In 2013, the data from Ministry of Union and SME noted that the level of entrepreneurs in Indonesia reached 1.56% from total of population.

Agenda CNN

CNN Indonesia Goes to Campus with Yamaha

CNN Goes to Campus with Yamaha held on Thursday, April 16th 2015.
Online Journalistic Seminar & Young and Creative in Digital Industries Seminar

Location : Pelampong Building 1st floor
Time : 8.30 WIB s.d. 12.00 WIB

Photo Journalistic Workshop and Video and Infographic Journalistic

Location : Pelampong Building 2nd floor
Time : 13.00 WIB s.d. 16.30 WIB

Campus Bazar, Music Festival and Yamaha Test Ride

Location : Pelampong Building Field(eks. Rectorate Field)
Time : 8.30 WIB s.d. end

Agenda table manner

Table Manner and Workshop Public Speaking

Table Manner and Public Speaking Workshop 2015 held on:

Day/Date : Saturday, April 18th 2015
Time : 16.00 – end
Place : Aston Primera Pasteur Hotel

Training about eating etiquette and experienced public speaker.
Free accomodation plus double certificate.

Book your ticket as fast as possible.
081354198901 (Selvia)
085784655599 (Martina)