BANDUNG, TEL-U – Compete with other countries, Telkom Group is expected to strengthen itself. One of them produce quality human resources and ready to contend, among others, graduated from Telkom University (Tel-U).
BANDUNG, TEL-U- A total of 350 people took part in a drawing contest themed ‘Selamatkan Hutanku, Lestari Negeriku’ held at the Faculty of Creative Industries Telkom University (FIK Tel-U), Saturday (12/9). Graphic art and drawing competition held by Faber Castell invited Indonesian artists to channel creation ideas in the media of painting and drawing.
BANDUNG, TEL-U – Fresh and innovative ideas is needed in organizational life. That’s being built by Ministry of Finance Republic of Indonesia. Furthermore, the management of Kemenkeu did comparative study to Telkom University (Tel-U), Friday (11/9).
BANDUNG, TEL-U – Kutai regency asked Telkom University (Tel-U) helped provide guidance in developing its resources. This was conveyed by Head of Organization Kutai regency, Supriyanto, during his visit to Tel-U campus, Wednesday (9/9).
BANDUNG, TEL-U – SEARCH delegation team which became representatives of Telkom University (Tel-U) fortunately carried home two trophies of PERBANAS Marketing Debate Competition (PMDC) was organized by the PERBANAS Institute on 8-9 September. At this competition Telkom University sent 2 teams.
BANDUNG, TEL-U – Reunion is a momentum to reconcile and reunite old friends, this meeting is usually used as a forum to vent the longing and share experiences.
BANDUNG, TEL-U – Sebanyak 35 mahasiswa Telkom University yang tergabung dalam Tel-U Choir berhasil meraih prestasi pada bidang paduan suara. Tak tanggung-tanggung dua kategori berhasil disabet oleh Tel-U Choir dalam Satya Dharma Gita Nasional Choir Festival (SDGNCF) 2015 yang diselenggarakan oleh Fakultas Hukum Universitas Diponegoro Semarang.
Dear Colleague,
isclo committee proudly present the 3rd International Seminar &
Conference on Learning Organization (ISCLO) 2015 and We invite the
submission of papers for the above international conference to be held
at Tentrem Hotel, in Yogyakarta, (visit: [2]). This
international gathering provides a forum for intellectual discussion
among the university academics, researchers, scholars, practician,
practitioner and students.
BANDUNG, TEL-U – Program Studi D3 Manajemen Pemasaran Fakultas Ilmu Terapan (FIT Tel-U) mulai hari ini (Senin, 28/9) menjalani visitasi. Kegiatan yang dijalankan untuk melengkapi akreditasi oleh BAN PT ini melibatkan dua Assesor yakni Drs. Y. Bagio Mudakir, MT dari Universitas Diponegoro Semarang dan Frianto, SE, MM dari Politeknik Negeri Jakarta.
BANDUNG, TEL-U – It has been eleven times, PERBANAS Marketing Debate Competition (PMDC) arranged the competition and has several times Telkom University (Tel-U) team retained the title of champion. At PMDC 2015, Tel-U team managed to occupy the second position and runner-up.